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How to Use AWS SES Template Using Golang

šŸ‘‰ Amazon Simple Email Service Template (Amazon SES) is a highly scalable and cost-effective bulk and transactional email-sending service for businesses and developers. Subscription is quick and is on pay-as-you-go basis. You can read more about Amazon SES here šŸ‘.

Create an AwsSES.go file (Code Explained below)

package main
import (



const (
 sesRegion = "us-east-1"

Create SES Session Function 

func newSESSession() (*session.Session, error) {
 return session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
  Region: aws.String(sesRegion),
Create a Template Struct Format

// SESTemplate ... contains template name, subject, htmlpart & text part
type SESTemplate struct {
 TemplateName string `json:"templateName"`
 Subject      string `json:"subject"`
 HTMLBody     string `json:"htmlBody"`
 TextBody     string `json:"textBody"`

Set SES Template function
func formatSESTemplate(template SESTemplate) *ses.Template {
 return &ses.Template{
  TemplateName: aws.String(template.TemplateName),
  SubjectPart:  aws.String(template.Subject),
  HtmlPart:     aws.String(template.HTMLBody),
  TextPart:     aws.String(template.TextBody),

Create an Email Template

To create a template to send personalized email messages, use the CreateTemplate operation. The template can be used by any account authorized to send messages in the AWS Region to which the template is added.

// CreateSESTemplate ... add new template to AWS SES panel
func CreateSESTemplate(template SESTemplate) error {
 sess, err := newSESSession()
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error ses session creation: ", err)
  return err
 sesClient := ses.New(sess)
 createTemplateInput := &ses.CreateTemplateInput{
  Template: formatSESTemplate(template),
 _, err = sesClient.CreateTemplate(createTemplateInput)
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error create new ses template: ", err)
  return err

 return nil

Get an Email Template

To view the content for an existing email template including the subject line, HTML body, and plain text, use the GetTemplate operation. Only TemplateName is required.

// GetSESTemplateByName ... get template by using template name
func GetSESTemplateByName(templateName string) (map[string]string, error) {
 sess, err := newSESSession()
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error ses session creation: ", err)
  return nil, err

 sesClient := ses.New(sess)
 templateOutput, err := sesClient.GetTemplate(&ses.GetTemplateInput{TemplateName: aws.String(templateName)})
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error get ses template: ", err)
  return nil, err
 template = map[string]string{
  "templateName": cast.ToString(templateOutput.Template.TemplateName),
  "subject":      cast.ToString(templateOutput.Template.SubjectPart),
  "htmlBody":     cast.ToString(templateOutput.Template.HtmlPart),
  "textBody":     cast.ToString(templateOutput.Template.TextPart),
 return template, nil

List All Email Templates

To retrieve a list of all email templates that are associated with your AWS account in the current AWS Region, use the ListTemplates operation.

// GetAllSESTemplate ... get all ses templates Current Page
func GetAllSESTemplate(page string) (interface{}, error) {
 sess, err := newSESSession()
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error ses session creation: : ", err)
  return nil, err

 sesClient := ses.New(sess)
  Pagination Limit Set 10
 var itemsFrom int64
 itemsFrom = (cast.ToInt64(page) * 10) - 9
 listTemplatesInput := ses.ListTemplatesInput{
  MaxItems: &itemsFrom,

 listTemplatesOutput, err := sesClient.ListTemplates(&listTemplatesInput)
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error list ses templates: ", err)
  return nil, err
 return listTemplatesOutput.TemplatesMetadata, nil

Update an Email Template

To change the content for a specific email template including the subject line, HTML body, and plain text, use the UpdateTemplate operation.

// UpdateSESTemplate ... update an existing template to AWS SES panel
func UpdateSESTemplate(template SESTemplate) error {
 sess, err := newSESSession()
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error ses session creation: ", err)
  return err
 sesClient := ses.New(sess)
 updateTemplateInput := &ses.UpdateTemplateInput{
  Template: formatSESTemplate(template),
 _, err = sesClient.UpdateTemplate(updateTemplateInput)
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error update an existing template: ", err)
  return err
 return nil

Delete an Email Template

To remove a specific email template, use the DeleteTemplate operation. All you need is the TemplateName.
// DeleteSESTemplateByName ... delete template by using template name
func DeleteSESTemplateByName(templateName string) error {
 sess, err := newSESSession()
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error ses session creation: ", err)
  return err
 sesClient := ses.New(sess)
 _, err = sesClient.DeleteTemplate(&ses.DeleteTemplateInput{TemplateName: aws.String(templateName)})
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error delete an existing template: ", err)
  return err

 return nil

(Note that by default anything written to Console will be logged as CloudWatch Logs events.)


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  4. Hey, you did a great job describing the whole process of creating those templates, but I think it is worth to mention that today you have tools like which actually makes it a lot easier to deal with Amazon SES email templates ;)


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