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How to Publish message to SNS with AWS Golang

Publish to SNS With Golang

SNS is a notification service. A user can send a notification to a topic. Each topic can have multiple subscribers, which receive a copy of every message sent to the topic – something like an HTTP endpoint, an email address, or an Amazon SQS queue. Sending a single notification can go to multiple places.
A flow diagram showing how SNS works.

Steps to publish an SNS message on an Amazon SNS Topic

  1. An AWS Account to set up an SNS topic and 1 queue that receives from the topic you just created.
  2. Place your key and secret in your .aws/credentials file []
  3. Use GoLang 1.7+ [
  4. Set your GOPATH []
  5. Install Amazon Core and SNS libraries

Create an AwsSns.go file (Code Explained below)

package main

import (
 _ ""

SnS JSON Struct Model 
type SnsStruct struct {
 Type   string            `json:"type"`
 Title  string               `json:"title"`
 Model  map[string]string `json:"model"`

Main Function to Call Publish Sns Notification Message
func main(){ 
 var sns SnsStruct sns.Type = Type 
 sns.title= test SNSMap := make(map[string]string) 
 SNSMap["Description"] = "test" 
 sns.Model = SNSMap
 fmt.Println("Input: ", sns) 

Publish Sns Function Thought Send Notification Message to topic 
func PublishSns(message SnsStruct, topic string) string {
 //marshal the struct to json
 snsMessage, err := json.Marshal(message)
 if err != nil {
  return "Failed! Json Invaild"
 fmt.Println("SNS MESSAGE to be sent ", string(snsMessage))

 topicArn := "arn:aws:sns:ap-south-1:<topicArnNumber>:<topicName>"
 region := "SNS_REGION"
 sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
  Region: aws.String(region),

 if err != nil {
  return "Error creating SNS session"

 svc := sns.New(sess)
 params := &sns.PublishInput{
  Message:  aws.String(string(snsMessage)),// This is the message itself (can be XML / JSON / Text - anything you want)
  TopicArn: aws.String(topicArn),//Get this from the Topic in the AWS console.

 resp, err := svc.Publish(params) //Call to publish the message
 if err != nil {
  return "Error Call to publish message" + cast.ToString(err)
 return "Success"

(Note that by default anything written to Console will be logged as CloudWatch Logs events.)


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